Playing unarmed with colours

Lino Cataldi seems to hold colours in himself. Those same colours we see in his paintings. Colours that are particularly astonishing in his most recent works: synthesis and exaltation of a close knit among single -human family-Nature. Colours highlighted in themselves but never extreme, not even in those layers of “thickness” of his, as if they were dormant feelings of controlled emotions. The sort of painting the artist pursues by playing with colours in a childish and cosmic ring-a-ring- a-roses which springs out in a natural embrace from the genius of a Man who is still a Child ...a Child who has grown even tragically into an adult. Colour in the poetic pursuit of the Artist, is the sudden start of a soul, is the Canticle of the Sun. Overwhelmed love, made almost malleable by the softness of matter and capable to comprise even the incomprehensible Mystery of Life .
Caterina Biondi